World Graphic Design Day Wikipedia

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Graphic design is the art, profession and academic discipline whose activity consists in projecting visual communications intended to transmit specific messages to social groups, with specific objectives. Therefore, it is an interdisciplinary branch of design. The latest computer-aided design software aims to predict how objects will behave after they leave the 'virtual' computer screen and arrive in the real world. New Graphics Tech Promises Speed, Hyperrealism: Wired, April 22, 2010. New techniques make it easier to implement 3D graphics without extra hardware. The World Design Organization (WDO) was founded in 1957 from a group of international organizations focused on industrial design.Formerly known as the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, the WDO is a worldwide society that promotes better design around the world. The World Design Organization (WDO)® is an international non-governmental organization and the international voice for industrial design.We advocate for Design for a Better World, promoting and sharing knowledge of industrial design-driven innovation that enhances the economic, social, cultural, and environmental quality of life.

Every year, between 12 and 15 April, are the World Design Days. The aim of the World Design Days is to create awareness for design in multiple demographics across the globe. World Design Days program was especially established to promote design for a better, brighter future where good designs serve mankind through improvements in the quality of life by socio-cultural, economic, and environmental innovations. IAD – International Association of Design, invites all interested parties to organize events and initiatives around design to promote World Design Days between 12 and 15 April each year. World Design Days is an important opportunity to highlight the role of design in the world.

World Design Days is a four day period each year, each day focusing on a different demographic and theme. The first day, April 12th is highlighted as; Design Futuristic Day : A Day designated to celebrate conceptual and futuristic design works; this day is perfect for design workshops and activities revolving around futuristic design themes, the target audience is youth and young adults. The second day, April 13th is marked as the International Creativity, Inspiration and Imagination Day: A very special day when creativity is praised; this day is an ideal excuse to make creative activities with kids. April 14th was decided as the World Design Day where the aim is to create awareness and drag attention to design value and issues. This day targets a mature audience and suggested activities include lectures, workshops and seminars. Finally, the last day; April 15th is announced as the Designers' Day; the purpose of this day is for designers to highlight and promote design as a profession and also to provide designers a day to celebrate and enjoy their profession more. We hope that the list of events held around the globe would continue annually to raise awareness about design worldwide from different perspectives, generations and demographics.

World Graphic Design Day Wikipedia

Suggested Events and Activities for Institutions

  • Support this day by announcing it in your corporate website or magazine; logos and visual communication material are provided free of charge without any licensing fee requirements for this purpose.
  • During these four days, museums and paid-entry enterprises are suggested to provide free entrance or discounts to the visiting designers and their family.
  • Design Schools are suggested to organize a 4 day student exhibition to celebrate the World Design Days, art galleries and museums are suggested to provide space for designers to showcase their works.
  • Host and organize; lectures, workshops and seminars focused on design practices and principles; highlight the value of design, the role of design within society and provide know-how.
  • Municipal governments are suggested to officially declare 12 - 15 April as World Design Days, this could be done by the city mayor through a proclamation.
  • Press members are suggested to provide more coverage within their magazines for articles, news and interviews regarding designers and their works.
  • Commercial entities and businesses are suggested to provide special discounts and packages that are available during the World Design Days.
  • Government entities and universities are suggested to distribute communicative and instructive materials regarding design value or place advertisements during these days.
  • Radio and television networks are suggested to prepare programs to highlight the importance of design and provide talk-shows or documentaries to educate the population.
  • Design studios, universities, and design centers could organize open door days and tours during the World Design Days.
  • Participatory design activities, local talks, lectures, presentations, workshops and debates could be organized to create both awareness and as a cultural activity to promote design.
  • Organize local design competitions, contests and awards to promote design and to support young and upcoming designers through award prizes as subsidies
  • Create and publish a press release regarding the activities you would organize during the World Design Days.
  • Create discounts or offers during and in celebration of World Design Days.
  • Contact your newsletter subscribers to celebrate their World Design Days.

Suggested Events and Activities for Individuals

  • Spread the word through your own ways; announce the World Design Days at social networking sites, your webpages, your newsletter, at your workplace etc.
  • Buy a present or throw a party for your designer friends for the 15th of April – Designers' Day, and share your events to inspire others.
  • Use the World Design Days logos during your events
  • Take your kids to a design or arts museum on the International Creativity, Inspiration and Imagination Day at 13th of April.
  • Design a World Design Day poster in A3 Format - 420x297mm (4961x3508 pixels) and send to us by email, so that we could list your contribution
  • Redesign and reinterpret the World Design Days logos, send to us by email, we will list your logos at downloads as well
  • Design World Design Day comics, jokes and fun drawings that we could share with others - the theme is: Design, Designers and everything else..
    If you are going to send us your posters, images or graphics please release your work to us with a license, to publish it, to use in World Design Day reletated merchandise etc.Your name will be credited.

World map graphic

Suggested Events and Activities for Institutions

  • Support this day by announcing it in your corporate website or magazine; logos and visual communication material are provided free of charge without any licensing fee requirements for this purpose.
  • During these four days, museums and paid-entry enterprises are suggested to provide free entrance or discounts to the visiting designers and their family.
  • Design Schools are suggested to organize a 4 day student exhibition to celebrate the World Design Days, art galleries and museums are suggested to provide space for designers to showcase their works.
  • Host and organize; lectures, workshops and seminars focused on design practices and principles; highlight the value of design, the role of design within society and provide know-how.
  • Municipal governments are suggested to officially declare 12 - 15 April as World Design Days, this could be done by the city mayor through a proclamation.
  • Press members are suggested to provide more coverage within their magazines for articles, news and interviews regarding designers and their works.
  • Commercial entities and businesses are suggested to provide special discounts and packages that are available during the World Design Days.
  • Government entities and universities are suggested to distribute communicative and instructive materials regarding design value or place advertisements during these days.
  • Radio and television networks are suggested to prepare programs to highlight the importance of design and provide talk-shows or documentaries to educate the population.
  • Design studios, universities, and design centers could organize open door days and tours during the World Design Days.
  • Participatory design activities, local talks, lectures, presentations, workshops and debates could be organized to create both awareness and as a cultural activity to promote design.
  • Organize local design competitions, contests and awards to promote design and to support young and upcoming designers through award prizes as subsidies
  • Create and publish a press release regarding the activities you would organize during the World Design Days.
  • Create discounts or offers during and in celebration of World Design Days.
  • Contact your newsletter subscribers to celebrate their World Design Days.

Suggested Events and Activities for Individuals

  • Spread the word through your own ways; announce the World Design Days at social networking sites, your webpages, your newsletter, at your workplace etc.
  • Buy a present or throw a party for your designer friends for the 15th of April – Designers' Day, and share your events to inspire others.
  • Use the World Design Days logos during your events
  • Take your kids to a design or arts museum on the International Creativity, Inspiration and Imagination Day at 13th of April.
  • Design a World Design Day poster in A3 Format - 420x297mm (4961x3508 pixels) and send to us by email, so that we could list your contribution
  • Redesign and reinterpret the World Design Days logos, send to us by email, we will list your logos at downloads as well
  • Design World Design Day comics, jokes and fun drawings that we could share with others - the theme is: Design, Designers and everything else..
    If you are going to send us your posters, images or graphics please release your work to us with a license, to publish it, to use in World Design Day reletated merchandise etc.Your name will be credited.

World Graphic Design Day Wikipedia Template

Design Matters Campaign: Download the Template, Create and Share Your View on Why Design Matters.

Editors: Download High-Resolution Campaign Images and Press Release.

World Graphic Design Day Wikipedia Images

World Graphic Design Day Wikipedia Free

World Design Weeks is a force for openness. In these times of uncertainty, we need new ideas on how to improve our economy and our societies, and design can be the answer. New thoughts and ideas only emerge when we're open and collaborative. We reach out, throwing our arms wide, and invite new members to join our global design family. We believe in unity and inclusivity. Our identity is inspired by the tilt of the Earth's axis: a fundamental aspect of our planet that affects all of us, whoever and wherever we may be. It reminds us we are all the same. And it reminds us that the simplest detail can change the world.

The network consists of nearly 40 design festivals around the world. It connects growth metropolises' creative urban festivals and their partners, such as academies and companies representing the design industry. The objective is to promote collaboration in the design field, to support product development, and to develop the economy of creative fields.
As World Design Weeks, we unite the planet's design communities. We share knowledge, resources and best practice, fostering the exchange of products and ideas, sustainable development, and the growth of individual design events.
Our mission: to elevate the global conversation, understanding, education and connection of people with design. Let's do it together.
Call for members is now open. Read more on Membership.

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